Denmark loans respirators to Albania to help treat coronavirus
This article is more than 5 years old.
The 30 respirators aren’t currently needed by the Danish health services

30 of these heading to Albania (photo: ChenWei)
The Foreign Ministry has announced that Denmark will loan 30 respirators to Albania to help the Balkan country treat COVID-19 patients.
The decision was made by a newly-established inter-ministerial taskforce based on an evaluation that the respirators aren’t currently needed by the Danish health services.
Made by the brand ChenWei, the respirators were produced in accordance with EU directives.
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Finding other countries to help
Last month, the state received 80 respirators from the Capital Region that can be used to help support other countries.
The taskforce is working on finding other countries to dispatch the remaining 50 respirators.
The respirators will be loaned to Albania for a year, with the option of an extension – but Denmark can get them back if they are required again by the Danish health system.
A member of the Danish health sector will be dispatched along with the respirators to train the Albanians how to use them.
Earlier this year, Denmark sent respirators to Italy, but that turned into a scandal as it emerged that Danish Defence was aware that they were useless against COVID-19.