Dansk Folkeparti polling at an all-time low
This article is more than 5 years old.
Alternativet and Stram Kurs wouldn’t even win a mandate if an election took place today

There is no Folkemødet this year for DF leader Kristian Thulesen Dahl (left) to lead a counter-offensive (photo: News Oresund)
Support for Dansk Folkeparti is currently at an all-time low.
At the 2015 General Election, it finished second in the polls with 21.1 percent of the vote, but that share was more than cut in half in 2019 to just 8.7 percent.
Today, it stands at a pitiful 6.8 percent, according to a Voxmeter poll carried out between April 6 and 19.
Worse than its first year
Although the statistical uncertainty of the poll is 1.5 percent, it will worry DF that it is currently polling at a level of support below its first ever election result. In the 1998 General Election, it won 7.4 percent of the vote.
Many insiders blame the right-wing immigration policies of the government party, Socialdemokratiet. Its changed stance in the build-up to the 2019 General Election moved many of its hard-left voters over to its left-wing allies, whilst attracting a great many DF supporters.
According to Voxmeter, it is currently polling at 35.1 percent – 9.2 percentage points higher than last year and its highest level for three decades. The increase would see a jump in seats from 48 to 65.
Meanwhile, two other recently established right-wing parties, Nye Borgerlige and Stram Kurs, have both lost 0.3 percentage points, polling at 2.1 and 1.5 percent respectively.
Alternativet on course for nothing
Faring even worse is Alternativet, which can only command 0.8 percent of the public vote – a fall of 2.2 percentage points.
Recently, four former members of Alternativet, including its founder Uffe Elbæk, joined up to create a green political office pact in Christiansborg – a move viewed as a protest against the election of Josephine Fock as leader.
However, Elbæk insists it is not a new political party – yet. It will, though, hold weekly meetings.
“We represent each other in the committees we already sit on, and when we go down in the Parliament hall and vote and when others hold meetings with one of us, we have the mandates of the three others behind each of us,” explained Elbæk.