Government: Danes will be left stranded abroad
This article is more than 5 years old.
Thousands stuck in Morocco and Egypt may have to wait it out

It’s a long walk home to Denmark (photo: Pixabay)
The Foreign Ministry revealed yesterday that it no longer believed it possible to bring home all Danes from abroad.
Due to the coronavirus, an increasing number of countries ushering in travel restrictions and closing borders has made that an impossible feat.
The ministry instead recommended Danes stuck abroad to find a good location to stay and wait for the crisis to pass or for the government to come up with other solutions at a later date.
The news comes following revelations that over 2,000 Danes are stuck in Morocco and Egypt, with the government setting up task force and seeking to secure SAS flights for the stranded countrymen.
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Contact airlines
As of yesterday, the ministry recommended that anyone returning home should self-quarantine at home for 14 days to avoid spreading the coronavirus.
Around 110,000 Danes are listed as being abroad, although many have already returned home.
Any Danes looking to return home are urged to contact their travel agencies or airlines.