One in two young Danes deem sugardating as acceptable – survey
This article is more than 4 years old.

Sugardating not as shadowy as some might think (photo:
Around 50 percent of Danes aged 18-30 think that sugardating is acceptable, according to a survey carried out by VIVE, the welfare research centre.
The survey’s results were based on the responses of 1,732 people who took part in a survey called ‘Sugardating among marginalised young people’ in October 2019. In total, 8,000 people were asked to take part.
In total, 7 percent of the respondents have considered entering a sugardating relationship, which was defined as a young person exchanging sexual intimacy for money or gifts from somebody considerably older, but not acted on it.
VIVE chief analyst Karen Margrethe Dahl, the main author of the report, said the finding showed that “people can be very tolerant of what others do without intending to do the same”.
Put off by direct nature of men
DR met two such individuals in north Jutland, and both went as far as opening accounts on a site matching young women with middle-aged men.
However, they were quickly put off by the direct nature of the men who tended to get quickly to the point.
“It was straight to the point and brutal: ‘I want to fuck you’. Although there was also someone who offered to send money if I just wanted to chat with them,” recalled one.
“Many of the men who wrote to me quickly became quite aggressive if I did not respond,” revealed the other.