Dubai fake goods alert: eyelashes, boobs, personalities … and now, apparently, coronavirus tests
This article is more than 4 years old.
Denmark promptly bans flights from the UAE for five days to give it time to investigate
With half of Denmark’s reality TV stars holidaying in Dubai, we already knew that a disproportionate amount of fake goods were due to arrive back in Copenhagen any day now.
Eyelashes, boobs, credentials, personalities – and now you can apparently add fake coronavirus tests to the list.
Five-day flight ban
The Danish government has good reason to suspect the legitimacy of the tests being carried out and has promptly banned all flights from the UAE for the next five days, in order to give it time to evaluate the situation.
The Ministry of Transport confirms there are “suspected irregularities with tests in Dubai” and it feels it can no longer trust them as proof that the arriving passengers are COVID-19 negative.
Dubai a source of mutations
“We have seen in the past, mutations come in via Dubai, and we cannot ignore such a suspicion,” added the Foreign Ministry.
The Transport Ministry added that it needs time to “investigate the matter thoroughly and ensure that the negative test that is required is in fact a real test that has been carried out properly”.
The ban starts tonight.