Coronavirus Update: Denmark at risk of running out of hand sanitiser as death toll hits 24
This article is more than 5 years old.
Elsewhere, a juice producer comes to the rescue and Danes abroad are asked to help their stranded countrymen

Instead, wash your hands with soap when possible (photo: Pixabay)
According to the medicines authority, Lægemiddelstyrelsen, the Danish health sector is in danger of running out of hand sanitiser and masks as the coronavirus crisis deepens.
As a result, Lægemiddelstyrelsen urges everyone to limit the use of the aforementioned articles as much as possible.
When possible, citizens are urged to use water and soap instead of hand sanitiser as it is an equally effective measure.
Lægemiddelstyrelsen said it was working on a solution involving getting more supplies transported into Denmark from abroad, as well as increasing production here at home.
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Juice producers to the rescue
The Lolland-based juice producer Seimei has heeded the call and has decided to change its production from juice to hand sanitiser.
Seimei, which usually sells its products to the hotel, restaurant and catering industry, expects the first bottles of sanitiser to be ready this week.
The juice producer is co-operating with Axson Clean Solutions as part of the effort.
Tracing the ‘dark number’ cases
So far, there have been 1,450 confirmed coronavirus cases in Denmark, with 254 being admitted to hospital – 55 are in intensive care wards.
So far, 24 people have died in Denmark – up from 13 over the weekend.
But because Danes are admitted to hospital in only dire situations, the actual number of cases is far greater.
And now, an initiative on Facebook seeks to undercover those ‘dark numbers’ by using a survey to let citizens register what they have been going through.
People have the option of clicking on seven different options, ranging from ‘I haven’t been sick’ and ‘corona stricken – not confirmed, but with the symptoms’ to ‘corona stricken – confirmed’.
Danes abroad called on to help stranded countrymen
The government has called on Danes living abroad to reach out and lend a helping hand to assist fellow Danes who have been left stranded due to the coronavirus crisis.
The Foreign Ministry said that help could be in the form of offering temporary accommodation or offering advice in areas with the biggest challenges.
Danish NGOs and Danes Worldwide are among the organisations that have been of assistance in the initiative ‘Danes globally – together against the coronavirus’, which uses Facebook as a platform for parties to link up.
Bored at home? Go collect some rubbish
With the country in lockdown due to the coronavirus, a Facebook group has been set up as a platform to urge Danes to go out and collect rubbish.
Named #skridtogskrald ‘paces and rubbish’, the group urges people to head out into nature areas and get some solitary exercise whilst collecting rubbish.
So far, over 13,000 people have signed up to the group, with people from Germany and Australia also taking part and posting pictures.