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How do we address wellbeing and security needs of urban children and adolescents in the digital era?
This article is more than 2 years old.

Photo: Dignity
13 November 2023
Free to join. The seminar is conducted in English
Daily Timetable:
Morning sessions run from 9:00 am – 12:45 pm
Afternoon sessions run from 13:45 pm – 4:45 pm
Kosmopol – afhold dine møder, kurser og konferencer i København
Fiolstræde 44, 1171 København
Morning and afternoon refreshments and two-course lunch are provided
Drinks Reception:
4:45 pm, Monday, 13 November
Participation Fee:
Target Audience:
The seminar is open to all academics and practitioners who are interested in health, wellbeing and security needs of children and adolescents. Participation of students is highly encouraged.
If you have any registration or program inquiry, or if you want to cancel your existing registration, please contact: Sara Helene Kaas-Petersen (saka@dignity.dk) and Jeske Moerenhout (jemo@dignity.dk). Space is limited. Registration before 4:00pm on 9th November 2023. Preregister by clicking on the links below to view details.
Link for registration: How Do We Address Wellbeing and Security Needs of Urban Children and Adolescents in the Digital Era – DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture