Union Views: Fast-track your green career!
Thomas Kantsø
This article is more than 3 years old.

Green-inclined workers are in vogue (photo: Pixabay)
Did you know you can use your academic skills within social science to make the world a more sustainable place AND build yourself a career with purpose at the same time?
Green focus
The Danish labour market is booming these days with jobs with a green focus. In this article I will describe very specifically within which areas you can work according to your background.
But please remember: the green transition needs a lot of diverse profiles, commitment and all sorts of skills.
Great opportunities
So, if you are dreaming about a green career, don’t hesitate to send an unsolicited application to a company you dream to work for.
In my job, I am trying to bridge the green market and the skill set our members represent.
If you have the passion, the ability to understand complex data, great communication skills, project management skills and a lot of patience – the career opportunities are there.
Profile with a law degree – knowing how to translate EU taxation and law into a Danish context. If you hold a law degree, your toolbox is quite solid, and you can get something tangible out of a lot of information.
Project management – the project leaders are enabling people across borders and expertise to work closely and professionally together. One of my favorite SDG’s is number 17: ‘Partnerships for the Goals’. We need each other in the green transition. We need to team up, be creative, and be innovative together to provide sustainable solutions.
Marketing and communication – the marketing and communication profiles are setting the green agenda at many companies. There is an increase in demand for people who can communicate a green strategy to clients and stakeholders, as well as in public affairs. One of the worst things that can happen to a company in this day and age is being accused of greenwashing. You can make sure that doesn’t happen.
Procurement – to avoid greenwashing, all companies need to know every step of their value chain to make sure we buy sustainable solutions that are reusable for future generations. Negotiation and contract management knowledge are required skills.
Finance and economy – profiles with skills and experience in finance and economy are also contributing to the green agenda. An understanding of the circular economy, investment opportunities and how green projects are funded is the backbone of many jobs currently open for you as the next green candidates.

Thomas Kantsø
Thomas Kantsø is senior advisor and head of Climate and Sustainability at Djøf, the Danish Association for Social Science, Law and Economics. He is a blogger, moderator at Djøf’s events and advisor to Djøf’s members. In this column he writes about trends and tendencies in the labour market.