Blue Bloc united over FE Investigation
This article is more than 3 years old.

Lars Findsen (photo: Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste/Sara Skytte)
With the general election fast approaching, the Blue Bloc is making noise about the need for an investigation into the Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (FE) foreign intelligence agency and the recent imprisonment of its former head Lars Findsen.
Konservative leader Søren Pape Poulsen and his Venstre counterpart Jakob Ellemann-Jensen recently outlined the potential investigation at a press conference.
READ MORE: Lars Findsen: The saga continues
Unanswered questions
“Many Danes are wondering what’s going on with the case. We need clarification on this serious matter,” said Poulsen.
The big question, they argue, which needs to be answered is the level of PM Mette Frederiksen’s knowledge and involvement in the suspension of several of the FE leadership in August 2020.
The original press release that led to the suspensions will be part of the investigation, clarified the Blue Bloc leaders.
Bramsen clarification needed
The investigation should also look to uncover whether the nature of Findsen’s suspension was political and look to confirm or deny Findsen’s claims about the defence minister, Trine Bramsen.
“Will the government confirm or deny that Trine Bramsen has told FE manager Lars Findsen that he should be sent home because she should be able to count to 90?” asked Poulsen.
Direction to ministers?
Another rumour that may be the subject of inquiry is whether a direction was passed down to ministers to distance themselves from civil service in “problematic cases”.
An overarching goal of the investigations, according to Poulsen and Ellemann-Jensen, should be to determine the veracity of what is known and what is alleged, to understand how the FE has been affected by the events, and to increase political accountability within the government.