Play Scrabble with Pride!
This article is more than 3 years old.
Popular boardgame behind some of the displays at the 2022 edition of the LGBTQ+ festival
With Copenhagen Pride getting ready for the Parade tomorrow afternoon, the capital city is all lit up in the colours of the rainbow to celebrate and shed light on the LGBTQ+ community.
Scrabble will be participating in this by showing words of love and inclusion in both English and Danish on Arbejdernes Landsbank in Copenhagen.
This will be done in the hope of including the Danish and international community and to show support for Pride and the LGBTQ+ rights movement.
The power of words
Tharyn Estevez, the country manager for the Benelux and Nordic countries at Mattel, the company behind Scrabble, is pleased with the contribution.
“Here at Scrabble we understand the power words can have and how positive words can be used as tools to create a positive environment,” she enthused.
The project started in the Netherlands in collaboration with Pride Business Club, and the goal is to create a discussion surrounding the effect positive words have on society whilst creating a sense of inclusion.
A liberal mindset
The rainbow colours of the Pride flag go back to 1924 when it was first created, and it became the official symbol of the movement 1925. The various colours represent unity in diversity and the power of light and progress.
Numerous flags will be waved at tomorrow’s Copenhagen Pride Parade on the streets of the city, which starts at Frederiksberg City Hall Square.
Denmark was the first country in the world to recognise same-sex unions in 1989, and this liberal mindset has made its capital a perfect, safe place to host Pride.