Energy authority offers tips to curb energy consumption
This article is more than 3 years old.
A European gas supply under pressure has prompted Energistyrelsen to launch a campaign to help the public reduce consumption over the summer

Drying clothes outside may save electricty costs (photo: Pixabay)
Due to the War in Ukraine and sanction battle with Russia, the gas supply to Denmark and the rest of Europe is under considerable strain.
So much so that the Energistyrelsen energy authority has launched a campaign aimed at helping the public to reduce consumption over the summer … and beyond.
“It’s a serious situation that we are closely monitoring. We can all do something to save on energy and put ourselves in a better position with every kilowatt-hour we save – out of consideration to our finances, the climate and supply security,” said Energistyrelsen head Kristoffer Böttzauw.

READ ALSO: The Russian gas weapon strikes again: Danish energy agency declares ‘Early Warning’
Thousands of kroner to be saved
The campaign ‘Én ting er sikkert. Og det er grønt’ (‘One thing is for sure. And it is green’) includes six tips the public can embrace to lower their consumption and energy bill, depending on the time of year.
Check out the tips in the factbox below and find inspiration at
It would seem the tips will be well-received, as about 60 percent of people in Denmark said in a recent survey they were more motivated to save on energy compared to six months ago.
“We experience that people in Denmark have come to realise there is much energy to be saved using simple tricks that won’t affect quality of life,” said the Energistyrelsen deputy head, Stine Leth Rasmussen.