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3 ways lockdown changed our dating lives
This article is more than 4 years old.

This lockdown period has changed a lot of things in our lives. Singles everywhere have been forced to rethink the way they date. What can you do, when meeting new people is off limits? In DK the reopening is well on its way, luckily, but the lockdown is clearly still affecting the way we date.
In some ways it has never been easier to find love. Supposedly. In other ways it’s never been harder. And then all of a sudden, all the single people also have to face a pandemic lockdown too. One thing is certain, it definitely gave a boost to online chat in Denmark. What else can you do as a single person during a lockdown?
Even though online dating is generally a pretty popular form of dating, lockdown changed the way we date online. We’ll see how long it’s gonna last. But for now, we’re still feeling the after shakes of lockdown. So, here’s three ways lockdown changes our dating lives.
Getting to know each other better
When you can’t meet up with just anybody, you’ll have to just get to know them by text. The lockdown has forced us to let our dating lives stay on the phone. The only places to meet someone new are the popular dating websites like Scor.dk. But maybe being forced to text, leads you to actually take the time to get to know someone. The nervousness and judgement of the first date is postponed a bit. So maybe there’s someone out there getting a second chance.
Dating fewer people
It’s been a long time since you could really multi-date. And when everything is happening online, how many different people do you really want to spend time texting simultaneously? Texting is quite a time-consuming activity. It seems that lockdown made all the singles out there focus on fewer people at the time. Which is probably a good thing right?
The thrill of meeting someone in person
Before lockdown it was quite normal for lots of people to go on multiple dates a week. A cup of coffee Wednesday afternoon and then a beer Friday night with two different people. Suddenly lockdown made it impossible to meet pretty much anyone. Even now when everything is pretty much reopened, it can still be a very special feeling to meet someone entirely new.
The thrill of preparing for a date is suddenly re-sparked. And what a joy! Cause all though dating lots of different people can be exciting, many are also of worn out by it. Now every meeting is special again. Maybe things will just go back to normal in a minute – but maybe times have changed just a little bit.