Corona Round-Up: Infection rate soars ahead of Bank Holiday Thursday
This article is more than 4 years old.
The total number of 1,246 is the highest since mid-January

Keep your mask on, really it’s not over yet (photo:
Some 1,246 new coronavirus infections have been detected in Denmark over the last 24 hours, according to Statens Serum Institut.
This constitutes the highest single-day infection rate since mid-January, although only 0.55 percent were positive.
Bank holiday rush
A higher number of positive results were expected as more tests have been carried out.
In addition to nearly 227,000 PCR tests, there were just over 443,000 quick tests – a total of around 670,000.
Tomorrow is a bank holiday in Denmark, and more people are getting tested ahead of going out tonight.
Danish way of poorer diet during difficult periods
During the first corona lockdown, scientists at Southern Denmark University found that every third Dane developed less healthy eating habits and lifestyle compared to Italians and Spanish who ate healthier despite stricter lockdowns. The same study also reports that in countries with stricter closures, people generally had a lower intake of meat and tended to eat more fish and vegetables. David Giacalone, the associate professor behind the study, said that people treat foods like chocolate, candy, cake, and alcohol as emotional comfort foods that can soothe difficult emotions. He pointed out that in the case of Italy and Spain, which were hit harder by the pandemic, with many deaths as results, they shifted the focus more on living healthily.
Corona pass now available for previously infected people
It has been confirmed that if you have a positive PCR test result for corona registered in your MinSundhed app between 14 and 180 days old, you will automatically get a corona pass for immunity. You can access the pass in the coronapas section under “COVID-19 immunitet”.
Private company offers saliva-based COVID test to avoid long queues
Starting from Wednesday, the Fyn-based company Pentabase will offer mobile tests to various public test centres in Odense to avoid long queues at the quick test centres. The company will offer a PCR saliva test that is claimed to be safe and can be used as corona pass. The test costs 195 kroner.
Copenhagen Airport fears delayed vaccination plans will ruin holiday plans
While corona restrictions have gradually loosened up in Denmark, the delayed vaccination plan may put summer travel at risk. In April 2021, the number of passengers at Copenhagen Airport fell by 92.7 percent compared to April 2019.
DSB reports: fewer passengers than usual
State-owned train company, DSB reports that they carried fewer passengers than usual in April 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic. In total, DSB carried 17.4 million passengers over the first quarter, compared to 38.2 million passengers in the same period in 2019.
Restrictions lifted on hospital visits in Hvidovre and Herlev
Now you are allowed to visit your relatives again at Hvidovre and Herlev Hospital as the restrictions expired today, according to Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed‘s official Twitter account.
One in 20 experience long-term complications – study
An Aarhus University-led study involving 90,000 people in Denmark suggests that only 5 percent of the people who contract coronavirus have long-term issues. Researchers from the country’s four largest universities found that the most common ailments among people in recovery were fatigue, headache, difficulty concentrating, muscle pain, shortness of breath, and affected sense of smell and taste.