All schools in four Vestegn municipalities closed until April 11 due to high infection rates
This article is more than 4 years old.
Local mayors contend that it is unfair to close down all establishments, as infections rates tend to vary

Ishøj’s rate has been the highest in the country for most of the year so far (photo: Finn Årup Nielsen)
There’s no doubt where the battlefield is in the fight against the coronavirus.
Whereas most of the country can look forward to reopenings as part of the agreement nailed down late on Monday night, in four of Greater Copenhagen’s Vestegn municipalities – Ishøj, Brøndby, Vallensbæk and Høje-Taastup – all schools will be closed from today until April 11.
The Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed decision to completely close down the partially reopened schools and delay the return of other students, along with youth recreational facilities, was taken in light of growing infection rates that are of concern to the authorities.
Mayor: Unfair to close all schools!
However, Ishøj Mayor Ole Bjørstorp does not understand why all the schools have been closed.
“I’m not happy about that. One should take the areas where the infection is greatest and where most people come and then close them,” he told DR.
In total, Ishøj currently has 323.7 cases 100,000 inhabitants, with Brøndby (294.8), Høje-Taastrup (252.9) and Vallensbæk (199.3) not far behind.
However, according to Vallensbæk Mayor Henrik Rasmussen, only four cases have been recorded among the 0-9 age bracket in his municipality, and eight among the 10-19 age group.
Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed also released a list of 27 municipalities in which the COVID-19 infection rate was considered worrying.
The four municipalities above were on the list (see below), as was Copenhagen and Odense.