Fock off: Alternativet leader resigns after troubled year
This article is more than 5 years old.
The appointment of Josephine Fock as leader in February led to a wave of resignations that the party has yet to recover from
Having helped to found the Alternativet project in 2013, Jospehine Fock was controversially appointed the party’s leader early this year.
Now, in leaving her position, she states that “the task of uniting the party has been too difficult”.
From 2015 to 2018, Fock was an MP, acting at various times as party spokesperson on finance, justice, and immigration, among other things.
In 2018 she gave up her seat in favour of a new position as director of integration at Dansk Flygtningehjælp.
A divisive force
Her combative style during her time as an MP left many feeling that they had no choice but to leave when she landed the top job.
Upon her ascension, board member Marianne Karlberg and former political chief Leila Stockmarr opted to leave their positions at the party.
These initial departures were followed shortly after on the parliamentary side by the exit of four of its five MPs: Uffe Elbæk, Rasmus Nordqvist, Susanne Zimmer and Sikandar Siddique.
This exodus left the party with just one sitting MP: Torsten Gejl.
For his part, he thanked Fock for her efforts and was unequivocal in his claim that he should not be the party’s next leader.