Danish coronavirus vaccine gets financial backing
This article is more than 5 years old.
Work continues despite late-stage vaccine successes elsewhere in the world

Statens Serum Institut is set to forge ahead with clinical trials (photo:
In a press release this morning, Sundheds- og ældreministeriet announced that Parliament’s finance committee had allocated 18.8 million kroner to the testing of the Statens Serum Institut coronavirus vaccine.
The vaccine has performed well in animal trials and is now ready to be tested on human subjects.
A number of successful phases will still need to follow if it is to ultimately be approved by the European Medicines Agency.
A Danish solution
With this news coming just days after Pfizer announced huge progress in the development of its vaccine, many will be surprised that funds are being directed towards alternative solutions in an earlier stage of development.
Magnus Heunicke, the minister of health and the elderly, is clear that this is not the government’s view.
“It is important that we on the Danish side contribute to the development and research of vaccines against COVID-19, as it can potentially ensure Denmark access to a wider range of vaccines … [it] helps to increase our knowledge of COVID-19 and better equip us for the development of future virus vaccines against future pandemics,” he said.