Major Danish newspapers open to printing Mohammed Cartoons
This article is more than 5 years old.
Both Berlingske and Weekendavisen have signalled that they are willing to run an advert placed by Nye Borgerlige party

Freedom of speech on the line, contend advocates (photo: Pixabay)
Some 15 years ago, Denmark found itself in the midst of an international crisis after Jyllands-Posten newspaper printed the Mohammed Cartoons in 2005.
Now, two major Danish newspapers, Berlingske and Weekendavisen, have announced they would be willing to reprint the contentious drawings.
The news comes on the heels of Nye Borgerlige head Pernille Vermund’s statement that her party intends to take out an advert to see the cartoons printed again in a show of support for Samuel Paty, the French school teacher who was recently murdered after he had shown them to his students.
First, Weekendavisen editor-in-chief Martin Krasnik revealed today during the P1 radio program ‘Ordet Fanger’ that his newspaper would not be averse to approving an ad from Vermund.
READ ALSO: Party wants to print Mohammed Cartoons in Danish newspapers
Buy some camembert
A few hours later, Berlingske’s editor-in-chief Tom Jensen echoed the sentiment on social media.
“Similarly to Weekendavisen’s editor-in-chief, I can say that if we are sent Nye Borgerlige’s advert because they want it printed by us – and we can ascertain that it includes the content that I have been made aware of – then Berlingske will also print the ad,” Jensen wrote on Twitter.
Meanwhile, Jyllands Posten and Ekstra Bladet are among the newspapers that have decided against printing the advert as they fear for the safety of their employees.
Nye Borgerlige will contact the major newspapers in Denmark tomorrow to present them with the advert they wish to run.
A number of Danish politicians, mostly from Blue Bloc parties like Venstre and Dansk Folkeparti, have also posted images of the controversial drawings from 2005 on social media over the weekend.
Others have called for Danes to buy some camembert or champagne to help counter the boycott of French products in countries like Turkey, Pakistan and Bangladesh.