Many Danes refusing to follow government’s new COVID-19 guidelines
This article is more than 5 years old.
Survey reveals that every seventh Dane do not intend to adhere to restrictions pertaining to seeing a maximum of ten people

77 percent of Danes don’t have an issue (photo: Pixabay)
According to a new survey by TV2 News, a significant portion of Denmark’s population will ignore one of the government’s recent COVID-19 recommendations.
One in every seven responded that they do not intend to adhere to restrictions relating to seeing a maximum of ten people privately – outside those they live with.
77 percent will follow guidelines
Some 14 percent of respondents said they either reasonably or completely disagree with the question of whether they would follow the guideline.
Meanwhile, 8 percent said they were ambivalent or unsure, while 77 percent said that they would follow the guideline.
“The Danes have no issue with not going to places where there are many people, but conversely, we find it difficult to change our habits when it comes to not being able to see our close contacts – so our families and friends,” Michael Bang Petersen, a professor of political science at Aarhus University, told TV2 News.
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Where is the evidence?
Petersen said that two key factors are involved in the Danes not wanting to adhere to certain restrictions.
One is if people are not concerned about being infected by the coronavirus, and the other is people that are sceptical about restrictions because they feel that the clear evidence of the effects is lacking.