Nightclubs prepare for possible reopening in August
This article is more than 5 years old.
The government will make a call on resuming nightlife on the basis of new coronavirus infections
Nightclubs and discos are preparing for a possible reopening in August in case the government allows this as part of the next phase of society’s reopening following the Coronavirus Crisis.
A political agreement in May had planned that discos and nightclubs could be allowed to reopen in early August. However authorities have yet to announce whether this will push through and if bars will be allowed to open after midnight.
In any case, the Rekom Group, which owns over 90 bars and clubs in the country, is preparing to reopen.
Preparing measures
Adam Felbert, CEO of the group, said that if the virus infection rate continues to be low, the government may allow clubs and bars to remain open until after midnight.
Felbert added that clubs are waiting for the go signal from authorities.
If nightclubs would be allowed to reopen, the Rekom Group will introduce measures to avoid the spread of the virus such as contactless payment and the registration of guests when they enter the clubs.
Virus concerns
However, health experts have expressed concern about the possible transmission of the virus.
Thomas Benfield, chief physician and professor at the Department of Infectious Diseases at Hvidovre Hospital, said that in discos, people often stand close to each other and one person can quickly infect 20 to 30 others.
Instead of resuming the nightlife all at once, Benfield suggested gradual steps.
“First you could extend the bars’ opening hours and see how it goes. If it does not affect the number of infections, then you can consider reopening the discos,” said Benfield.
On Tuesday, the Statens Serum Institut recorded 18 new coronavirus cases.