It cancelled Eurovision, but not his graduation – not on CIS’s watch!
This article is more than 5 years old.
The coronavirus has done its best to spoil Copenhagen International School’s fun, but not on this occasion

The latest crop of CIS graduates is ready to take on the world (all photos: CIS)
This wasn’t the graduation ceremony that many of the students had been envisaging since starting at the school a whole lifetime ago, but Copenhagen International School still managed to make it a memorable occasion.
In close adherence to the coronavirus distancing restrictions, the graduation ceremony on June 9 was split into three separate sessions attended by 22 graduates each.
There in spirit
The ceremonies were a mix of pre-recorded speeches, live speeches, award acknowledgments and diploma presentations.
Whilst many proud parents attended in person, the sessions were all live-streamed so that grandparents, friends and other relatives are able to follow along in real time and say they were “almost there” as well.
Lucky draw
Among the guests at the last of the three ceremonies were a small team from CPH POST.
It was a chance to ask four students from the class of 2020 a few questions and, as luck would have it, discover there was a celebrity amongst them.
Tobias Norborg
It feels good to be done with the IB. I feel pretty accomplished knowing that I managed to complete such a challenging education. The last semester had many ups and downs: we weren’t sure if we would be able to do the exams, and there was a lot of speculation we would have to wait until the November retakes to be able to get our diploma. This made many people stress out about the future as they already had plans to move to certain areas of the world. Thankfully, the teachers and our DP co-ordinator were very supportive and managed to help us through this corona process, which eventually ended up well with us all graduating together. I now intend to take a gap year and work as an intern at a law firm, as I want to study law here in Copenhagen, starting in the summer of 2021.
Alexandra Christiansen
It’s weird to be finished and unreal – like it’s a figment of my imagination – but at the same time it feels amazing and I’m so happy that it’s over. There are no more Mondays at CIS, which is kinda awesome! During my gap year I will be taking an apprenticeship in jewellery making and photography and will hopefully grow within these fields. I will be working with the hope that I can travel. I will have extra time to exercise and spend time with people I love and do more things I love like dancing. Beyond that I also have to apply for uni.
Tarne Lamp
It feels unreal. Doing it without exams, I feel like I’ve just snuck off with my diploma – like I’ve managed to trick somebody. On the other hand, I’m so damn excited to move: to start college, to meet new people and all that. This fall I’m moving to Boston to go to Northeastern University, where I’ll be majoring in biology on the pre-med track! I’m going to be busy with school, but beyond that I expect to have so much fun picking up new hobbies and ‘lære at kende’ a whole new city.
Benny Rosenbohm
It feels amazing to graduate! It can often feel like high school never ends – especially in the IB. My plans for next year are to practise my instruments as much as possible, write a bunch of music, and hopefully get some music released.