Reporting the weather responsibly: enjoying the sun in solitude
This article is more than 5 years old.
Warm, sunny conditions forecast for Denmark this week, but are they best admired than experienced?

Okay, balconies are fair game, and if you’re a cat (photo: Takashi Hososhima)
There is a growing sense as we enter Week 2 of the coronavirus confinement crisis in Denmark that weather forecasters need to change their patter.
No longer is it permissible to urge the watching public to go out and enjoy the sunshine while they can – to guilt-trip them into believing they are worthless for choosing to draw the blinds down and watch women’s tennis instead.
A new approach is needed.
Sadistic overtones
Promising a week of sunshine and warmth, DMI meteorologist Trine Pedersen told TV2 “it could hardly be a more beautiful week” with distinct sadistic overtones.
“It will be good weather for a walk,” she added, perhaps a little irresponsibly, with BT swiftly interjecting: “For those who can enjoy the sun from the balcony or on a walk – at a safe distance from others of course.”
The rumble in the background, Trine, is not thunder, but the growing murmur on social media.
Sunny all week
According to Pedersen, the spring welcome will continue until Friday.
We can expect sunny or partially sunny days all week, with the thermometer approaching double figures by the end of the week.
We have a high pressure system currently hanging over the Baltic Sea, which effectively draws in southerly winds, to thank for the unusually warm conditions.
Still frosty though
At night, several frosts are expected, so it is nowhere near warm enough to start planting anything outside.
From Friday, northwesterly cold fronts are expected to bring in rain showers across the country.