Local Round-Up: Copenhagen Municipality to make bike path changes in response to criticism
This article is more than 5 years old.

It was already a wide road, of course (photo: Yuliya Kuryan)
Copenhagen Municipality will make further changes to the country’s widest bike path, which runs across Dybbølsbro towards the Fisketorvet shopping centre, following its controversial opening last year.
Ninna Hedeager Olsen, the Copenhagen mayor for technology and environment has confirmed that the municipality will consult the Cyklistforbundet cyclist association and the Vesterbro Lokaludvalg local committee.
Large number of complaints
Many road-users complained they were confused by the road markings around the junction where Skelbækgade and Ingerslevsgade meet – particularly cyclists. Around 75 complaints were received by the municipality by the end of January.
Following the opening the municipality responded to the confusion by marking the cycle lanes in blue, improving the signage and reprogramming some of the pedestrian signals.
However, more apparently needs to be done.
New area in Copenhagen finally on the way
Development work can begin on Jernbanebyen (also referred to as ‘Enghave Remisepark’ and ‘Lille Vesterbro’), a proposed new urban area that will occupy land previously occupied by the extensive railway network close to Copenhagen Central Station, mainly alongside Otto Busses Vej. Copenhagen Municipality this month finally approved ‘Kommuneplan 19’, which has been put together by railway operator DSB and the state-owned property management company Freja Ejendomme. The plans include a minimum limit for green areas: at least 9-12 acres of green space, a standard-sized soccer field (11-man) and two small soccer fields (7-man). The plan sets out that DSB will begin the first phase of the development within five years. However, the project is expected to extend over 15 years.
World’s oldest tattoo parlour wins case to stay put
After several years of legal battles, Østre Landsret has ruled that the world’s oldest tattoo shop, Tattoo Ole, can continue to operate in Nyhavn. Tattoo Ole has been offering its services since 1884 from the basement at the address Nyhavn 17, and Majbritt Petersen took over the tattoo shop in 2007 as the first female owner. However in 2017, the landlord decided he wanted to take over the basement in order to expand the kitchen of the ground floor restaurant, and he subsequently launched legal action.
Design of new CPH rubbish bins revealed
Architecture firm CF Møller will design the new rubbish containers for household waste collection as part of an expansion of the city’s collections services, which by 2024 will offer 750 waste sorting points on roads and in other public areas. The research institute Alexandra Institute helped CF Møller with a design that won a competition launched by the municipality.
By & Havn confirms plans to renovate old warehouses in Nordhavn
The development and operating company By & Havn has confirmed that it intends to renovate four old large warehouses in Nordhavn, covering a total area of 45,000 sqm, and reopen them as attractive, sustainable office environments. The work should be completed over the next couple of years so they can be fully leased out in 2023.