Live (improv) Aid: Support the ICC comedy club in their hour of need (Wed 20:00)
This article is more than 5 years old.
Improv Comedy Copenhagen needs your help … and no, not just with suggestions for what their next comedy skit should be about

During a fortnight in which the world’s bloggers, podcasters and YouTube influencers are getting more attention than ever, spare a thought for the improv community.
With most of Denmark marooned in their living rooms, and public gatherings pretty much banned, they don’t have a live audience … or a living.
Live show on Wednesday at 20:00
Fortunately the bright sparks at Improv Comedy Copenhagen have come up with an idea to reconnect with their audience and generate some of the revenue they have lost through cancelled shows, classes and work with the corporate sector.
Tomorrow at 20:00 on the ICC Facebook page, a selection of their very best performers will be putting on a show for you all to enjoy.
In this age of streaming, it will be like tuning into a program in the good old days. How very retro!
Pay what you feel
The show is free to view … if you haven’t got a heart. But for those of you with a mild conscience (to go with that mild temperature you’ve been harbouring all week), the ICC will gratefully accept any donation you can make to their future endeavours.
It really has got to a point where the ICC will reap the rewards of their ribaldry or they could shut up shop forever.
Caring and sharing
“We’re bringing the show to you now that you can’t come to us,” explained ICC co-founder and owner Stefan Pagels Andersen.
“Please attend the event below and help us spread the word – all your sharing matters a lot to us! Thanks.”
No cheeky cosy requests
Like the ICC’s live shows, the performance will be interactive, with Facebook viewers able to provide suggestions and themes for the comedy.
The ICC cautions that its performers will keep a safe distance from one another, so don’t suggest a recreation of the scene in Star Wars when they get caught in the rubbish container.
Relieve the stress
“Comedy is a great way to cope with stressful situations and our aim is to give you one night of wonderful interactive entertainment to help you to easier get through the lockdown,” added Andersen.
“Denmark is in lockdown, the world is in lockdown. At times like these when you as a comedy lover can’t come to us, the ICC Theatre has arranged a way where we can come to YOU!”
Register now!
To watch the show, register for a free ticket via the ICC Theatre website.
You will then receive the streaming link 15 minutes before the show.
Once you have watched the show, or even before if you’re feeling generous, you can donate money to ICC via MobilePay number 86245.
Or you can visit to find out ways to donate.