Denmark could have a horror hit on its hands
This article is more than 6 years old.
In ‘Cutterhead’ we quickly discover that in the bowels of the Copenhagen Metro, nobody can hear you scream

Not since the 1962 movie ‘Reptilicus’ – in which a 90-foot monster, found frozen in the Arctic Circle, wreaks havoc in Copenhagen – has there been something as sinister stirring in the bowels of the capital.
And ‘Cutterhead’, which came out at Danish cinemas last week after making its debut in the Netherlands in July 2018, would appear to have a more than excellent change of surpassing the lowly 3.6 ‘Reptilicus’ has amassed on IMDB.
Positive reviews
So far, the reviews have been mostly positive, and while the Danish press has been predictably kind, there has also been at least two great write-ups in Italy, one of the countries in which the film has been shown at a festival.
“In Cutterhead, [the director] Rasmus Kloster Bro tries to distill the very essence of humanity,” applauded Cineuropa.
“An essence with an inebriating and nauseating scent that seems to float between the surgical, white, immaculate bandages of its survivors. It is a disturbing film that clearly tests our limits and forces us to reflect on a less-than-brilliant reality.”
There will be claustrophobia
Perhaps the Italians were impressed that the film was mostly set on the construction sites of the new Metro line. After all, its companies were responsible for building most of it.
The story follows a female PR co-ordinator who goes down to interview some of the construction workers – most of whom are, like in real-life, English-speaking eastern Europeans.
But she soon encounters some tight spaces, and claustrophobia ensues.