Chinese food scandals pave the way for exports of baby-food
This article is more than 6 years old.
It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good, as a number of Danish food manufacturers can attest
Over the last ten years China has been rocked by a number of food scandals, including one in 2008 that involved infant formula tainted with melamine that left three children dead and around 300,000 ill.
This has instilled a distrust of local produce among many Chinese consumers, who tend to seek out imports from countries where food safety is high, such as Denmark.
A helping hand from DI
Accordingly, the confederation of Danish industry, Dansk Industri (DI), has been helping a number of companies form joint ventures with Chinese partners. One such firm is Organic Dairy of 1888, a producer of organic baby-food.
READ ALSO: Dairy me! World going nuts over Danish organics
The administrative director of the company, Vincent Chen, sees a great deal of future growth potential in the Chinese market for companies that play their cards right.
“The Chinese market changes every third month. As well as flexibility and a willingness to adapt, the key to success in China is high quality and authenticity,” he said.