Danish high schoolers show up drunk and rowdy in Slagelse
This article is more than 7 years old.
Head teacher cancels closing day celebrations in the face of “drunk, screaming” students

The cap needs to fit, contends Danske Gymnasier (photo: Glaux)
All closing day celebrations at Slagelse Gymnasium scheduled for today have been cancelled after a group of students showed up to school drunk yesterday.
Head teacher Lotte Büchert from Slagelse Gymnasium said that she had warned students about the consequences if they turned up pissed on what is a regularly scheduled school day. She said the warning went more than just unheeded.
“I’ve never experienced anything like it,” she told TV2. “About 250 students, several of them drunk, danced, shouted and screamed in the canteen. Several tables were destroyed.”
Büchert said that she was shaken by what she called a “drunken orgy”.
Not the first time
The school had experienced a similar event last year, and Büchert had warned students that it would not be tolerated this year.
“Several students were clearly drunk and there were beer and shot bottles in several places,” she said.
Büchert said that even students who had not been drinking joined their drunk counterparts in the bacchanalia. Students are calling the decision to cancel all of the closing activities “unfair”.
“We feel deprived of an important tradition that creates cohesion and motivation among students as we jointly engage in an adventure on our way to our higher education onto when we later create society,” they wrote.
Students said that the “cozy” celebration in the canteen the day before closing day was a long-standing school tradition.
“The fact that some students ruined the experience for everyone and that results in a collective punishment is neither acceptable nor fair.”
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Büchert said she is “unhappy” over the incident and that she had looked very much forward to the last day of school. She also regretted that the cancellation affected students not involved in the canteen incident.
“It’s deeply regrettable that it affects them,” she said. “But it has not been possible to find out exactly who was involved. And all students had been warned.”