Danish government to lengthen loan of Challenger aircraft to border task force
This article is more than 7 years old.
As part of its ongoing contribution to monitoring the EU’s borders, Denmark is extending the length of time its surveillance aircraft will be available in the Mediterranean

The Challenger will soon be on the look-out for illegal migrants (photo: Adrian Pingstone)
For two more months during 2018 Denmark has decided to allow its Challenger aircraft to be put at the disposal of the European border and coast guard agency, Frontex.
READ ALSO: Denmark sending planes to monitor boat refugees in the Med
The aircraft, which is being used to support the border agency’s efforts to counter illegal migrants in the Mediterranean, will be made available for 30 days in both June and November.
Taking responsibility seriously
“By making this contribution, we are demonstrating yet again that Denmark is taking its international responsibilities seriously,” said the foreign minister, Anders Samuelsen.
“This should be seen in the context of Denmark’s broader efforts in the area of migration, which also includes efforts to counter the fundamental causes of migration,” added the minister.
As well as the aircraft, the package also includes contributing personnel to Frontex who will perform around 40 years’ worth of work. These are primarily unarmed civilians who will be involved in the registration of migrants and refugees.
“The aircraft is capable of monitoring large expanses of sea and collecting important information contributing to Frontex’s efforts,” said the defence minister, Claus Hjort Frederiksen.