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Concert Review: Can’t feel the ground beneath our feet!
This article is more than 7 years old.
On Thursday April 12, Pumpehuset welcomed two bands from North America: Earthless and Comet Control.
Both groups gave their best, ensuring a wonderful early start to the weekend with output that was creative, exciting and original.
Long compositions created a dense and compelling atmosphere as both groups utilised rather common instrumentation, but what was done with a guitar, bass guitar and drum set was inspiring.
Hats off gentlemen!
Although both bands were great, Earthless stole the show with outstanding guitar work that was not only played an impressive speed, but also with accuracy, phrasing and feeling. It was supported by a tight rhythm section that gave the audience a solid kick of energy and joy.
Up until their latest album, Earthless were known as an instrumental band. Although the guitarist Isaiah Mitchell is now also lead singer, the core attitude of the group towards the music remains unaltered.
The band is in the business of playing long compositions that go beyond what is commonly associated with rock music. Although Earthless’s music seems to centre on jams, when one pays close attention to the music, a carefully organised structure is revealed.
Rather than a somewhat boring verse/chorus/verse model, Earthless often offers a theme that is experimented with. This was heard especially well in ‘Urulu Rock’ and ‘Violence of the Red Sea’.
Has anybody seen the sound engineer?
When there were vocals involved, the technical crew disappointed a little. The vocals were simply not loud enough and got lost in the thick layer of other instruments.
Although many think the true strength of Earthless is to be found in their instrumental pieces, simple respect for the artist demands that the technical aspects of the show are properly taken care of.
Really worth the time
This was a superb concert: one of the best of this type this year. Let us hope Earthless pays Copenhagen a visit again sometime soon!
If you are into energetic, creative and original music, check out Earthless. And, keep your eyes and ears open for more gigs. To begin with, visit