Roskilde Festival makes historic toilet change
This article is more than 7 years old.
Flushing and running water to take music experience to a new level

Even the superheroes are jumping with delight (photo: Roskilde Festival – Jacob Stage)
If you’ve lived in Denmark for any extended period of time, it’s likely you’ve been to Roskilde Festival and been forced to endure the horrific state of the mud-caked portable toilets – or had to navigate those odorous rivers of urine that seem to snake their way down paths and along the fence lines.
But now, as Bob Dylan once wailed – and probably still would if he were to guest the massive festival again – the times they are a changin’.
When Roskilde kicks off this summer for the 47th edition, it will be with a new permanent toilet situation, complete with a flush-system and running water.
“The rumours are true! We’re installing new loos. Out with the old portable ones, and in with new toilets with flush. Brings a whole new meaning to being a party pooper,” wrote Roskilde Festival on Facebook.
READ MORE: Roskilde Festival unveils Bruno Mars as first big name for 2018
Urine for it now
The festival is currently making 23-25 ‘islands’ that will be connected to water and electricity out in the camping areas.
Aside from the new toilets, a number of urinals will also be set up to persuade more men to stop urinating along the fences.
The festival is also looking into the possibility of setting up lights at the toilet ‘islands’ to make it more visible at night.