Danish News in Brief: Red Cross employee numbers halved by falling rate of asylum-seekers
This article is more than 8 years old.
In other news, 200 domestic troops are part of a massive exercise on Danish soil preparing for a mission to the Baltic where they might be assisted by a new 85-metre mast being errected on Bornholm
The Red Cross has been busy laying off employees in the wake of fewer asylum-seekers coming to Denmark, reports
In October 2016, the humanitarian institution had 1,313 employees, but that number had fallen to 661 just 12 months later.
At one point, the Red Cross was operating 35 centres, but by January this will have fallen to eight, employing 580 workers.
Over the first nine months of 2017, just 2,287 asylum-seekers came to Denmark, compared to 7,493 in 2016.
Cyclists more likely to fight when angry
While cyclists are less likely to get angry with other road users than motorists, they are more inclined to express themselves physically, according to a 2016 Epinion survey for road safety body Rådet for Sikker Trafik og Transport. Angry cyclists were inclined to encroach on offenders’ space or even attack and fight them. A third had experience the wrath of a fellow cyclist in the last year. A 30-year-old male road user is the most likely demographic to express their anger physically.
Huge military exercise ongoing in southern Denmark
A huge international military exercise is currently taking place in Oksbøl in southwestern Jutland. Including 2,000 soldiers, it is one of the biggest to take place on Danish soil for some time. Among those taking part are 200 Danish personnel, who will soon embark for Estonia to take part in a NATO mission, and troops from the US, UK and Lithuania.
Patients group makes appeal for better liver disease treatment
The Leverforeningen patients association contends that more people should be treated for hepatitis C, a disease that can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and death. Presently only serious cases are treated due to concerns over the price of a treatment that can cure 90 percent of all cases – a decision based on a recommendation by Rådet for Dyr Hospitalsmedicins in 2015.
New radio mast in Bornholm to monitor Russia in the Baltic
A new 85-metre radio mast is being built at Østermarie on Bornholm as part of Denmark’s increased monitoring of Russia activities in the Baltic. The development follows the closure of a similar facility at Dueodde on the island, which was in operation since the early 1960s. A building permit was issued for the mast in March.
A year in prison for poisoning bar-goers
A 21-year-old man from Fredericia has sentenced to a year in prison by a court in Odense after being found guilty of pouring a corrosive liquid – believed to be an industrial dishwasher detergent – into the drinks of five people at a bar in Middelfart on June 26 last year. The liquid caused throat and neck injuries to those who drunk it, and it is believed than four additional bar-goers were also affected.
Missing woman on island of Møn
The disappearance of a 34-year-old woman in Borre on the island of Møn has led to some conflicting information. While Bettina Olsen’s relatives claim she was last seen on November 12, Sydsjælland og Lolland-Falster Police claim she went missing a day later. An investigation has been ongoing since November 16. Olsen is 160 cm tall, thin, and with shoulder-length reddish hair.
Sewage-affected waters most likely cause of norovirus outbreak
Ten people are known to have gone down with a dose of the norovirus after eating raw oysters harvested in the Lem Vig area in northwest Jutland, which were then served by various restaurants between November 1 and 3. The Fødevarestyrelsen food authority has accordingly placed a ban on commercially harvesting seafood products from the area. It is thought most likely that overflowing sewage caused the outbreak.