Young female Danish shop workers selling their used underwear online
This article is more than 8 years old.
And yes, men are buying them … a lot of them

Blue worker bonanza (photo: Pixabay)
A savvy group of young Danish women who apparently work at retail outlets such as Føtex and Rema 1000 are selling the undergarments that they work in online. And they are earning big money doing so.
At the website, several young women promote themselves anonymously as ‘Føtex-girl’, ‘Rema-girl’ and ‘Fakta-girl’ while wearing their work uniforms – and, well, little else.
They offer the undies that they say they have worn while on the job for whatever use the purchaser may have for such an item.
“I’m a 20-year-old ‘Fakta-girl’. I’m selling my underpants, based on your needs,” reads one ad.
Extreme customer service
One ad goes a step further, perhaps even beyond the pale.
“Would you like my used underwear? I can even masturbate in them.”
Coop information manager Jens Juul is not exactly pleased with his employees’ entrepreneurial spirit.
“It’s an inappropriate link between work and their private lives,” he told Ekstra Bladet. He stressed, however, that as long as the women remained anonymous, the company would take no action to stop the enterprise.
A niche market
Kasper Reggelse, the communications consultant at Dansk Supermarked, said that selling used underwear was something that the company itself “would probably not get involved in”.
The website specialises in only selling underwear worn by young women. Mia, the 27-year-old student behind the site, said that the supermarket division is new, but it has rapidly turned into the biggest seller.
“Users are asking for it, and it’s also those women who get the most mail,” she said.
Mia said that although they make sure that ‘Rema-girl’, for example, is really who she says she is, she cannot guarantee that she has actually worn the thongs she may be advertising.
“Im theory, it might be someone else.”
Money in panties
The site charges 100 kroner a month for the women to advertise their previously-owned unmentionables, and the women – who must be between 18 and 30 years old – charge their customers between 200 and 600 kroner a pair.
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According to Mia, each girl receives between 100 and 150 requests per month, meaning they can earn as much as 90,000 kroner a month in the used panty market.
“It is often family fathers who are buying,” she said. “So they of course must be sent somewhere other than the home address. I do not understand it myself, but they obviously get something out of it.”