Things to do
Coming Up Soon: Blessings for pets, oodles of hygge, and anyone for conkers?
This article is more than 8 years old.

No, he’s over there, but then again: ‘dog’ is ‘god’ backwards (photo: Bev Lloyd Roberts)
St Albans Church is hosting another Blessing of Pets Service. Everyone is welcome to receive a blessing – even goldfish – although you can always bring a picture of your pet if that’s easier (Oct 8, 16:00; St Albans Church, Churchill Parken 11, Cph K)
So what exactly is ‘Danish Hygge’? Find out at this event where you can sample cake and coffee and take part in workshops on knitting, boardgames and children’s storytelling (Oct 22, 14:00-16:00; International House CPH, Gyldenløvesgade 11, Cph K; free adm)
Join Walk for Freedom to raise awareness of human trafficking and raise funds. Put a symbolic yellow tape over your mouth and say no to slavery! (Oct 14; 10:00, Prince’s Mansion, Ny Vestergade 10, Cph K)
The Copenhagen Theatre Circle host regular play readings in the pub, as it’s a great way for prospective members to learn more about the group (Oct 16, 18:30-21:00; The Globe, Nørregade 45, Cph K; free adm)
Try out an English-language beginners workshop in Lindy Hop swing dancing with Hepcats Copenhagen and then join the social dance afterwards (Oct 8, 11:00-16:00, Kulturhuset Indre By, Charlotte Ammundsens Plads 3, Cph K; free adm)
Celebrate Moldova’s national wine day by tasting some of the country’s produce. Join Silba and the Organisation of Moldovans and learn more about the country (Oct 7, 17:00, Gothersgade 151, Cph K)
Copenhagen Street Food is closing for the year, so this is your last chance to party at Papirøen. Enjoy performances, dance animations and Latin dancing (Oct 7, 20:00, Trangravsvej 14, Cph K; free adm)
Sign up for two days of classes and three days of parties and socials in ‘Shagenhagen’! There are three levels of collegiate shag to choose from (Oct 6-8; Ørnevej 33, Cph NV; prices vary)
The CPH Conker Championship is back. Remember: you’ll be allocated a conker when you get there, so no funny business with the vinegar! (Oct 15, 15:00; Charlie’s Bar, Pilestræde 33, Cph K; register via Facebook)