Final list of countries bidding to host EMA revealed
This article is more than 8 years old.
Brexit is creating opportunities for other European countries to take over UK-based EU institutions

Will Copenhagen provide the spoon full of sugar to make the medicine go down? (file image)
When the deadline passed on Monday night, 19 cities had put in bids to host the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which will have to relocate from London as a result of Brexit.
Back in March, Copenhagen was tipped as the favourite in a report by the Dutch service company KPMG.
Well-placed to win
Denmark is in a strong position, its bid having been prepared by Lars Rebien Sørensen, the respected ex-boss of Novo Nordisk – and because it has a strong life-sciences cluster of companies and research institutions.
Should Denmark win, the agency will be offered premises in the prestigious Copenhagen Towers in Ørestad.
Somewhat inexplicably, Paris, which had been tipped in some quarters as being second choice, is not on the final list.
Final decision in November
The European Commission will publish its evaluation of the bids on September 30 and the 27 member-countries will vote on them on November 27.
The agency should have moved latest by April 1 2019.