Danish News in Brief: Stalking not a police priority despite new provisions
This article is more than 8 years old.
In other news, Prince Henrik is out of hospital, violent crime is on the increase and Danish waters are busier than normal thanks to the arrival of Chinese and Russian vessels

Despite new powers enabling pre-emptive action, the police appear to still be taking a laidback approach to tackling stalkers (photo: Patrik Nygren)
Only two police forces have so far taken advantage of a new tool to tackle stalking – a crime that affects 100,000 citizens according to the Ministry of Justice – despite its implementation earlier this year, reports Berlingske. By issuing a ‘strakstilhold’, a police presence can be assigned with immediate effect to deter a possible attack. Previously, the police felt they had limited options when a member of the public reported they were being stalked.
READ MORE: Huge spike in stalker cases in Denmark
Bullying on social media starts early
Children as young as eight bully one another on social media, according to Lykke Møller Kristensen, a journalist who has interviewed 500 kids about their online habits. A common scenario, she says, is the hijacking of a post, in which a commenter writes “spurgt” (i.e Who asked you?) under the posting of a photo or a comment, inviting everyone to like their post instead of the original post.
Violent crimes on the rise
The loosening of lug nuts on cars has contributed to a 12 percent rise in violent crimes, according to Danmarks Statistik. Some 6,462 incidents were reported during the second quarter of 2017, compared to 5,769 in the first three months. There was also increases in the number of assaults on police officers, social workers, prison officers and healthcare workers. Drug sale-related offences, meanwhile, have fallen.
READ MORE: Check your lug nuts before driving off, police warn drivers
Turkey confirms Danes with IS links
Since the emergence of Islamic State, 23 Danes have either been arrested in Turkey or expelled from the country due to their suspected links with the terror group, reports Politiken based on figures obtained from the Turkish Interior Ministry. A further 196 suspect Danes have allegedly been denied entry to the country. Nevertheless, the figures only place Denmark seventh in the EU country top 10, trailing the likes of France, Germany, Britain and Sweden.
Student debt exploding
Student debt is increasing – both the amount owed and the number in arrears – reports based on figures obtained by ATP. Over the course of 2016, the number who failed to pay their SU loan (extra funds borrowed during their education on top of the state stipend) rose from 8,052 to 10,054, while the total owed increased from 516 to 723 million. Additionally, the number who owe more than 350,000 kroner has risen from 109 to 203 – an 89 percent rise in just one year.
Shards of glass in pasta sauce
The national food agency Fødevarestyrelsen has warned consumers there may be shards of glass hidden in a pasta sauce called ‘Gestus Pastasauce Classico’. The product, which bears a 23 March 2017 production date, is sold in Meny, Spar, Kiwi and Min Købmand. Consumers are advised to return their jar to the store they bought it from.
Successful surgery for consort
The queen’s retired husband, Prince Henrik, 83, was earlier today released from Aarhus University Hospital following successful surgery to address a tightening of the arteries around his pelvis. The surgery was deemed necessary on Friday when he was admitted to hospital due to an infection in his leg.
Chinese and Russian fleets passing by
Danish waters tend to be busy over the summer, but over the next few days, it will be like rush hour at Piccadilly Circus. A number of Chinese and Russian vessels are passing through on their way to a joint naval exercise further up the Baltic. Leading the way today were a Chinese frigate, supply ship and destroyer – which were escorted beyond Bornholm by the Danish ship Najaden – to be shortly followed in a few days’ time by a Russian fleet that includes a nuclear submarine and an atomic-powered warship.
READ MORE: Russian sub causing nuclear headache in Denmark
Child pornography charges
An 18-year-old Bornholmer faces serious charges relating to his alleged possession and distribution of child pornography. Following a five-hour preliminary ruling in the island’s capital Rønne it has been ruled the young man will remain in prison a further four weeks.
Another ATM detonator sentenced
A 38-year-old man from Aarhus has been sentenced to five years for his involvement in blasting three ATMs skywards in the Jutland towns of Horsens, Auning and Odder. He is one of several to be sentenced in relation to five incidents in which gas was pumped into ATMs and ignited, thus enabling the perpetrators to steal their contents. The additional explosions took place in Grenaa and Give.
Tied to own radiator and robbed
A 54-year-old man in Solrød Strand, a southern suburb of Greater Copenhagen, was last weekend tied to a radiator in his own home and robbed, reports Midt og Vestsjællands Politi. The suspects, who spoke Danish and Arabic, attacked the man in his garden at around 4 am, beat him up and took him into his home where they demanded cash and jewellery. The man freed himself five hours later and alerted the authorities.
Lighter usage, heavy consequences
A 24-year-old Swedish man was arrested in Terminal 2 at Copenhagen Airport at around Sunday lunchtime after police cordoned off the area and suspended rail and Metro services following reports that a gunman was on the loose. It turned out the gun was a cigarette lighter. The man was arrested on one of the train station platforms, but released without charge later on Sunday.
Hit a deer end
A 51-year-old mountain cyclist was seriously injured on Sunday when he ran into a deer on the island of Fanø. The man was flown to Odense University Hospital with a perforated lung.