Every second Dane works when they are on holiday
This article is more than 8 years old.
Summer holidays are normally supposed to be a time for relaxation, but lots of people just can’t clock off the job

Believe it or not, but a lot of these people are actually working (photo: Thomas Rousing)
A survey carried out by YouGov, which was based on 491 interviews with employed Danish men and women over 18, examined the attitude that Danes with jobs have to working whilst on holiday.
The figures reveal that every second employed Dane will be checking their work email and/or taking work with them on holiday.
The higher your salary is, the more likely you are to take work with you.
Avoiding the bulging inbox
The main reason given (by 40 percent) seems to be that people want to avoid a big backlog when they return to work after their holidays.
On top of that, many people feel a responsibility towards their employer. Of those surveyed, 33 percent mentioned that they work during the holidays because the work can’t wait, and 25 percent justified it by saying that nobody else was able to do their job.