Torrential rain showers forecast for Roskilde 2017
This article is more than 8 years old.
Music-lovers with tickets for Roskilde would do well to pack their raincoats and wellies

Will they be partying like it was 2004 in Roskilde next week? (photo: Stig Nygaard)
It looks as if the weather gods are not going to be much kinder to the Roskilde Festival than they were to Northside almost two weeks ago.
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Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut (DMI) is predicting heavy rain at this year’s festival, which opens its gates on Saturday to the first campers arriving at the site.
Cold and wet
“It won’t be the best weather. This weekend will be cool and wet, especially Sunday,” said Dan Nisvall from DMI to Jyllands Posten.
Monday and Tuesday are expected to be a bit milder, with less wind, and temperatures of 20-25 degrees could be possible.
However, in the early hours of Wednesday, the rain will return with a vengeance.
“A front will come in from the southwest and there is a risk of heavy rain and thunder,” added Nisvall.
Not much respite
As it looks at the moment, there won’t be any longer periods of fine weather. Nisvall expects the worst conditions to be experienced from late Thursday evening and during the night, when 15-30 mm of rain could fall in short periods.
Nisvall does point out, though, that the forecast could be a little uncertain, as it covers a long period, but what is scheduled for the first few days is likely to be accurate.
Sold-out wash-out?
On Monday, the Roskilde Festival announced that all the available 80,000 partout tickets had been sold.
At the moment, one-day tickets are still available for Wednesday and Thursday.