Two new extremist preachers banned from entering Denmark
This article is more than 8 years old.
Inflammatory Islamics not wanted in Denmark due to fears they may incite hatred

Khalid Yasin will have to stay in England for the time being (photo: SKYteam)
Khalid Yasin, an American living in England, and Muhammad Raza from Pakistan will not be allowed to come to Denmark before 15 June 2019 at the earliest.
Their names have been added to the list of those considered extremist preachers that was started on 2 May 2017.
With their addition, the list now comprises eight people.
A job well done
The immigration and integration minister, Inger Støjberg, said: “I’m very pleased that two new extremist preachers have been added to the list. It shows me that the immigration service is doing its job and is keeping abreast of checking who fulfils the criteria to be put on the list.”
“The aim of the list is to protect Denmark against extremist preachers that want to undermine our fundamental democratic values.”