Things to do
Early-June Art: Scandinavia’s largest photo festival
This article is more than 8 years old.
Launched in 2010, the Copenhagen Photo Festival features over 50 photo exhibitions in several locations around Østerbro.
This festival has grown to be Scandinavia’s largest photo festival and will showcase some of the best photographs from around the world.
The main exhibition will take place at Photo City in Østerbro where there will also be an opportunity to listen to talks, take part in debates, and attend workshops.
Also on display at Photo City will be the winners of the open call contest, to which over 250 photographers from 30 different countries submitted their works to be selected by a grand jury in Copenhagen.
Ditlev Blunck
ongoing, ends Aug 27; Nivaagaards Malerisamling, Gammel Strandvej 2, Nivå; 80kr;
The work of this painter was largely forgotten because he was sent into exile in Prussia following some alleged ‘homosexual misconduct’. His works are inspired by his romantic and real-life encounters.
What Lies Unspoken
ongoing, ends Jan, open Tue-Sun 11:00-17:00, Wed 11:00-20:00; Statens Museum for Kunst, Sølvgade 48-50, Cph K; 110kr;
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Denmark’s sale of its West Indies colonies, paintings and stories of slaves and servants working for Danish families will be on display.