Health News in Brief: Penkowa in trouble again
This article is more than 8 years old.
In other news, portable ultrasounds and more antibiotic-resistant bacteria could be on the way
The controversial academic Milena Penkowa has been caught providing medical services without the necessary authorisation, reports Ekstra Bladet. The police searched her home on March 14 after it was alleged she had been using the address to treat and advise patients about the effects of the HPV vaccine – a breach of the law, claims the tabloid. Penkowa appeared in court yesterday where her lawyer failed with a bid to keep her name out of the public domain. Penkowa is best known for falsifying some results in her dissertation, but was acquitted of the more serious charge of gross document fraud in 2015.
READ MORE: Neuroscientist Penkowa cleared of charges in fraud case
The deadly bacteria within
Every third person carries antibiotic-resistant bacteria in their intestines that could potentially kill them, reports The bacteria is harmless in the intestines, but potentially deadly in other parts of the body where it can cause infection. Patients recovering from operations are most vulnerable. Researchers are still struggling to fully explain why the bacteria are so resistant. Professor Ulrik Stenz Justesen, a microbiology expert at Odense University Hospital, told the website that the situation was “really worrying”.
READ MORE: ‘Nightmare bacteria’ spreading in Denmark
Ultra peace of mind for all?
Portable ultrasound devices, which will greatly enhance the ability of doctors to see what is beneath the surface of the human skin, could soon be commonplace thanks to the efforts of Jørgen Arendt Jensen from DTU Elektro, reports He is heading a five-year project supported by DTU Nanotech, BK Medical, Meggitt, the Alexandra Institute in Aarhus and Rigshospitalet. Jensen would also like to make ultrasounds available for use by non-professionals – at nurseries, for example, should a toy end up in a child’s throat – similar to the way defibrillators can be used.
READ MORE: Cardiovascular emergencies presenting a problem to Danish hospitals