Easter News in Brief: Turkish Danes back Erdogan’s bid for more powers
This article is more than 8 years old.
SAS flight grounded and toddler lost with the luggage among some of the other gems you might have missed this Easter

Erdogan, the PM from 2003-14 and president since then, could potentially be the leader of Turkey until 2029 (photo:
Some 60.4 percent of the Turks in Denmark who voted in their country’s weekend referendum said yes to giving President Recep Erdogan permission to change the country’s constitution and gain more power from 2019 onwards – a higher proportion than the overall 51 percent approval rate, according to figures obtained by Turkish media outlet Kuzey. The new powers, for example, will enable Erdogan to abolish the role of prime minister and possibly stay in power until 2029. The result was condemned as “hypocritical” by Lars Aslan Rasmussen, a Socialdemokratiet MP with Turkish roots. “It is embarrassing that people born and raised in Danish democracy are openly voting for introducing dictatorship,” he said according to Ekstra Bladet.
Loss of pressure grounds SAS flight
A SAS flight travelling from Chicago to Copenhagen was forced to make an emergency landing due to a sudden loss of cabin pressure early on Sunday April 16. Flight SK944, which had 196 passengers on board, landed at Goose Bay Airport in eastern Canada where investigators began the task of establishing what caused the loss of pressure.
Queen celebrates birthday in Aarhus
Easter Sunday was also the 77th birthday of Queen Margrethe II, which posed a few problems to the Danish monarch as she traditionally celebrates the holiday at Marselisborg Castle in Aarhus, but her birthday at Amalienborg. This year, her 45th on the throne, her summer residence in Aarhus won the battle, as the queen, dressed in a turquoise coat, waved to well-wishers at midday from a castle verandah. She last celebrated her birthday at Marselisborg in 2014.
Injection breakthrough
Injections carried out at the hospital can be a killer – literally. At the very least, as many as one in five need to be repeated, causing patients pain and discomfort. But now two experts attached to Aarhus University have developed a new method that uses an ultrasound scanner to ensure 99 percent of the injections are successfully carried out first time, reports DR. Lars Knudsen, a specialist dentist, together with Professor Erik Sloth from the university, have already received a glowing endorsement from a former doctor who needs regular injections to treat his lung transplant.
Boy disappears with the luggage
A three-year-old boy disappeared as his mother was checking in luggage at Copenhagen Airport on Saturday. The luggage belt carried him past the scanners and onto a control room where an employee rescued him and reunited him with his mother. It is unknown how the boy, who was unharmed, managed to board the belt without anyone seeing him and navigate the luggage scanner.