More Danes contact their doctor via email
This article is more than 8 years old.
Online consultations save time when getting test results or answers to specific questions

The onus will be on GPs to treat the patients who they approve (photo: Ilmicrofono Oggiono)
A growing number of Danes contact their GP via email, reveal new figures from Danmarks Statistik.
Last year, Danish doctors received 6.1 million email enquiries from patients, which is about 450,000 more than the year before and more than double compared to 2010.
The regional government organisation Danske Regioner, which annually pays out 8 billion kroner in fees to general practitioners, has noticed emails have largely replaced phone consultations.
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Save time
Christian Freitag, a chairman for GPs in Denmark, told DR that online medical consultations are useful when patients want to get their test results or an answer for specific questions.
However, he stressed that face-to-face consultations are still important to determine a diagnosis.