Danish research: Left to be brilliant on their own if they don’t know what’s right for them
This article is more than 8 years old.
New Danish research shows that left-handed people may be faster or more creative

Who’s been left with the last laugh? (photo: Alejandro Escamilla)
Get a pad of paper out and draw a circle. And another. Now switch hands and do it again.
Compare the circles. If there’s little difference and you’re right-handed, there’s a good chance you should have been a member of the 12 percent: the southpaws, the ambilevous, the lefties.
And right now you’re probably having a flashback to having it beaten out of you at a convent when you were three years old.
After all, the Latin adjective sinister meant both ‘left’ and ‘unlucky’, while ‘gauche’ in French means both ‘left’, ‘awkward’ and ‘clumsy’.
Research in Copenhagen
The circle test was used in new research by Hartwig Siebner, a professor of neurology at the University of Copenhagen, and his colleagues.
Siebner and his team observed the motor skills of 52 right-handed adolescents as they drew circles with both their hands on a digital tablet.
Not only were a few of the subjects able to draw circles equally well with both hands, but some even displayed a left-handed inclination.
The overall upshot, according to Siebner, is that left-handed people may possibly be more creative and quick-of-mind than the majority 88 percent.