Jutland hotel plagued by seagulls
This article is more than 8 years old.

Ring the bell when you run afowl (photo: Teaterhotellet)
Teaterhotellet in Horsens always provides earplugs for its guests. Not to accommodate customers who are forced to sleep with a snoring partner, but due to a more feathery pestilence.
A horde of cawing seagulls have descended upon the middle of the Jutland city and when they get squabbling, the noise can be rather irritating, to say the least.
“Horsens mid-town is unfortunately plagued by seagulls these days and they can be quite noisy,” a note in the hotel’s rooms reads, and which Metroxpress newspaper has gotten wind of.
“So here are some earplugs. We hope you have a comfortable night.”
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Still flying high
According to Frank Panduro, the head of the hotel, maintained that the boisterous gulls aren’t currently much of a problem, but during the breeding season in the summer, the beaked belligerence can reach fever pitch.
Panduro said that the petulant fowl were a problem to the entire city, and blasted the local municipality for not taking steps to curb the problem. But despite the annoying gulls, the hotel doesn’t seem to be suffering.
“There is no mini bar, but there are ear plugs,” said Panduro.
“Perhaps that’s why we are the highest-ranked hotel in Horsens. We don’t have a swimming pool or a fitness centre, but we have earplugs.”
And seagulls. Lot’s of seagulls.