Boxing Day storm could bring hurricane-strength winds to Denmark
This article is more than 9 years old.
Motorists returning from Christmas are urged to set off early and be beware of getting caught in a crosswind

Some folks will no doubt seize the opportunity to dispose of their Christmas trees (photo: Miika Silfverberg)
What is it about Boxing Day and adverse weather?
Fortunately in the case of the gale-force storm heading Denmark’s way tomorrow, there are no monster waves being forecast – and as long as motorists are sensible, no fatalities.
Nevertheless, many will be returning from family Christmases, and the authorities are warning them to set off early to avoid getting caught in a storm with hurricane-strength wind in places, which is expected to start in the early evening.
Beware of crosswinds
The easterly direction of the wind, however, is not expected to result in the closure of too many bridges, such as the Great Belt Bridge (Storebæltsbroen) or the Øresund Bridge.
The authorities are warning motorists to be particularly vigilant of getting caught in crosswind on roads and bridges running north to south.
13-hour storm: don’t be unlucky
The low-pressure storm is forecast to last from 18:00 on December 26, starting on the coast of west and north Jutland, until 07:00 on the following day.
National meteorologist DMI has identified the areas most at risk of hurricane-strength wind speeds as Thy, Mors, Vendsyssel, Aalborg, Læsø, Jammerbugt, Varde, Skive and Bornholm.
DMI has already confirmed that the storm will be given a boy’s name starting with the letter ‘I’.