More Danes becoming professional cuddlers
This article is more than 9 years old.
But non-sexual snuggles have not yet embraced the movement in Denmark

Who doesn’t like a good cuddle? (photo: Cuddle Sanctuary)
The professional cuddler education is in high demand in Denmark – the only nation in Scandinavia where amateurs snugglers and huggers can ‘go pro’.
According to Lucy Vittrup, the head of the Professional Cuddling Institute, Denmark’s first cuddling institute, 15 have already been educated and a further 10-15 are on the way.
At a time when closeness and intimacy is more associated with chats, selfies, likes and updates, non-sexual cuddling by strangers has taken off in the US and other parts of the world. But it hasn’t quite gripped the Danes yet.
“It’s clear to us that people want to, but there is a modesty limit that is difficult to get past,” Vittrup told Metroxpress newspaper.
“People are afraid to get close to one another because we are scared it is sexualised contact. As of now, I recommend that all cuddlers keep their original source of income. You can’t live off cuddling just yet.”
The professional cuddling course costs about 6,500 kroner, and cuddling sessions cost about 650 kroner per hour.