Young Danes nominate Italian liqueur as their least favourite spirit
This article is more than 9 years old.
Fernet Branca is an acquired taste, says food expert

Fernet Branca is an intensely bitter herbal liqueur, produced in Italy since 1845 (photo: Youtube)
It is no secret the Danes like to drink, and they also tend to start at an early age, often before they celebrate their 15th birthday.
And while beer is the national favourite, when it comes to spirits there are some brands the young ones just cannot swallow.
A new YouGov survey for Metroxpress has revealed that the Italian herbal liqueur Fernet Branca is the most disliked among Danes aged 18-29.
The intensely bitter beverage takes some getting used to, says food expert Per Brændgaard.
READ MORE: Danish youngsters still drinking too much
“[Drinking bitter spirits] is a conscious choice and it is a kind of test of real manhood to drink Fernet Branca,” Brændgaard told Metroxpress.
The brand is even less popular than other hard liqueurs such as tequila, vodka and ouzo.
The survey has found young Danes seem to prefer sweeter brands.