Danish schnapps recalled due to extra high alcohol content
This article is more than 9 years old.
Could be one hell of a julefrokost though!

Quite a kick! (photo: WRW)
The Danish food administration Fødevarestyrelsen is recalling certain bottles of ‘Engen klar Snaps’ sold in Coop supermarkets across the country.
Rather than the 32 percent alcohol volume stated on the label, it has been discovered that bottles tapped on 15 September 2016 may have an alcohol volume of between 66 and 76 percent.
The food administrators said the high alcohol content renders the ‘Engen klar Snaps’ tapped on that date unsafe and unsuitable for consumption.
The hangover from hell
Fødevarestyrelsen advises those who purchased the extra strong tipple to dump it down the drain or return it to the shop.
The near white lightning-strong schnapps has been sold in Kvickly, SuperBrugsen, Dagli’Brugsen/LokalBrugsen, Fakta and on Coop’s web shop.