Liberal MEPs call for full electoral rights for non-Danish residents from EU countries
This article is more than 9 years old.
Meanwhile, another proposal calls for ‘associate EU citizenships’ to be made available to citizens of former union countries, such as Britain

This way, this way, never mind the cycle lane …. (photo: justgrimes)
Members of the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (GALDE) have submitted two proposals to the European Parliament that make interesting reading for non-Danish residents from other EU countries – particularly those who feel disenfranchised in a country in which they work and pay taxes – along with Brits uncertain of their future following the Brexit vote.
Full electoral rights proposal
Three members of GALDE – Luxembourg MEP Charles Goerens, French MEP Sylvie Goulard and Spanish MEP Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz – have submitted a proposal to the European Parliament that could potentially affect all non-Danish residents from EU countries living in Denmark, and across the union.
It calls for full electoral rights for foreign residents in EU countries, extending their right to vote in local elections to provincial, regional, and national elections (see Amendment 883 below).
It is believed that should the proposal be approved in Denmark it will apply to residents who have lived here continuously for at least three years.
Freedom to move proposal
Meanwhile, Goerens has suggested in another proposal that Brits living in other EU countries should retain some of their union rights should the Brexit go ahead.
READ MORE: More Brits wanting Danish citizenship in wake of Brexit
Open to nationals of all countries that have left the EU, the ‘associate EU citizenship’ would enable holders to freely travel between EU states and to live in them (see Amendment 882 below).