Danes collect money for German kid whose mother was killed by rock tossed from motorway bridge
This article is more than 9 years old.
Meanwhile, young boys hit a motorcyclist with a water balloon in Esbejrg
Allan Mortensen, a member of a Danish fan club of the German football team Borussia Dortmund, has started a collection for the five-year-old German boy whose mother was killed by a 30-kilo rock thrown from a motorway bridge on Funen. His father sustained serious injuries in the incident and is lying in hospital in a coma.
The incident took place on August 21 near Kildebjerg and the Danish police are investigating the case as murder.
After hearing about the case, Mortensen felt strongly compelled to help the little boy, even though he admits that any sum of money will not give him his mother and perhaps even his father back.
“I think Denmark should apologise to this family,” Mortensen told BT.
“If he ends up becoming an orphan, it might be good having some savings put away.”
Mortensen has already collected over 90,000 kroner and hopes to reach 100,000 before he contacts either the German Embassy or the mayor of Dortmund (where the family comes from) for help, so he can hand over the money to the boy’s relatives.
READ MORE: Another vehicle hit by a stone tossed from an overpass in Denmark
Tossing water balloons at motorists
Cases of objects being thrown at motorists on Danish roads have been keeping the police busy recently.
At the beginning of September, two 17-year-old boys from Aalborg were charged with putting other people’s lives at risk when they threw an object at an ambulance on an emergency call.
READ MORE: Boys charged with targeting ambulance with apple assault
And just this Monday, six young boys thought it would be fun to throw balloons filled with water onto motorists passing by on Strandby Kirkevej in Esbjerg.
The group actually managed to hit a motorcyclist – a possible biker gang member, it is believed – but to their great surprise he immediately turned around and started chasing them.
After some consideration, South Jutland Police now consider the case closed.