Sofia and William most popular baby names in Denmark
This article is more than 9 years old.
Lily and Milas made the biggest leap up the top 50 list
Sofia and William were the most popular baby names in Denmark last year, according to new figures from Statistics Denmark.
For the sixth year in a row, William was the top choice for naming newborn boys and the name was particularly popular in Region Zealand and Syddanmark.
The name Sofia was mostly preferred by parents living in the Capital Region, Region Zealand and Jutland, but in the regions Syddanmark and Nordjyland, the name Freja was the most popular.
Noah, Lucas, Emil and Oliver also featured at the top of the list of 50 most popular boy names, while Freya, Ella, Alma and Anna rounded up the top five on the girl names list.
The girl name Lily and boy name Milas made the biggest leap up the list.
In 2014, the names ranked as number 50 and 72 respectively, but last year they moved up to the 26th and 5th position.
Conversely, the girl names Alba and Malou and boy names Andreas, Daniel and Nicholas did not make it to the top 50 list in 2015.